Aberdeen City Council has delivered more than 1700 affordable homes for social rent over the last four years.
The 1703 homes have been built between 2017 and 2021 due to the council’s work with its Registered Social Landlord (RSL) partners.
The numbers were revealed as councillors discussed the local authority’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan (Ship) for 2022-2027 at a meeting of the City Growth and Resources Committee on Wednesday.
A motion by committee convener, councillor Ryan Houghton, noted that the council is “close” to meeting its August 2017 commitment to build 2000 council houses and 1500 affordable homes for social rent.
The motion added that the local authority is currently making progress with contracts, both council and developer led, to build the 2000 council homes.
Work on the remaining units will continue and is expected to be completed in the “coming years”.
The Ship sets out the council’s intentions on where, when and how it will deliver new affordable homes across the city.
The plan sets out the projects that would require Scottish Government Affordable Housing Supply Programme funding support.
It also aims to explain how the local authority aims to achieve its goals as set out in its Local Housing Strategy (LHS).
The latest Aberdeen City Ship could deliver up to 5030 new affordable homes over the next five years at a cost of just over £251m.
The new homes will help to meet the current demand and need for housing across the city.
The council has set a target that at least 15% of the new builds will be fully wheelchair accessible to increase provision for those who require it.
The homes will also be built to the local authority’s “gold standard” that would see properties built with a dementia-friendly design.
Following a debate, the committee agreed to approve councillor Houghton’s motion and the Ship will now be submitted to the Scottish Government.
By local democracy reporter Kirstie Topp
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