Man allegedly abducted, headbutted and stabbed police officers at flat

Joseph Ayitey is accused of violently attacking PC Kevin Reynolds after locking him inside a flat in Glasgow's Maryhill.

Man allegedly abducted and stabbed Police Scotland officer at flat in Maryhill, Glasgow Google Maps

A man is to stand trial accused of trying to kill a police officer.

Joseph Ayitey is alleged to have abducted and assaulted Kevin Reynolds at a flat in Wyndford Drive in Maryhill, Glasgow last September 23.

The officer is said to have been on duty at the time when he was “detained against his will” at the property as the 27-year-old locked the front door.

Prosecutors claim Ayitey grabbed him before repeatedly striking him on the head, neck and body with a knife.

The attempted murder charge states this was to his severe injury, permanent disfigurement and to the danger of his life.

Ayitey faces a separate allegation of attacking the officer’s colleague Kirsty McGlynn at the flat by hitting her on the face and attempting to headbutt her.

Among other accusations, Ayitey is said to have repeatedly punched a woman in Glasgow’s Queen Margaret Drive in the city’s west end as well as assaulting a worker at a nearby Tesco store.

The indictment states these occurred earlier in September 2022.

The alleged attacker – also known as Martin Ayitey and Jose Ayitey – denied the accusations via his legal team at a hearing at the High Court in Glasgow.

Lord Clark set a trial which is scheduled to start in April 2024.

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