Plans for more than 80 homes in Erskine have been approved by Renfrewshire councillors despite a series of community objections.
Stewart Milne Group has been granted planning permission for 59 houses and 24 flats on a site between Sandieland Wood and Florish Road in the town.
Eleven letters of objection were received by the local authority, with concerns including potential pressure on schools and medical facilities and the volume of traffic that would result from the development.
However, elected members at Tuesday’s planning board allowed the project to go ahead, subject to the conclusion of a Section 75 legal agreement and conditions around issues such as visual and residential amenity, sustainable development, and traffic and pedestrian safety.

An additional measure was also agreed, confirming that the Section 75 and landscaping scheme would return to the convener and vice convener for discussion prior to signing off on the development.
The Section 75 was required to secure affordable housing provision, a financial contribution towards education provision and a formal pedestrian crossing point on Florish Road.
The site itself consists of around 3.9 hectares of agricultural land on the edge of Erskine. It contains two larger fields, divided by a post and wire fence.
A report to the board details that an area of tree planting, identified as the Sandieland Wood, is located “partially within the east of the site”.
However, it adds that the wood is currently the subject of a tree protection order designation and no trees within this area will be affected by the development.
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